Welcome to Base Training.
For true Fitness and body improvements you need to start from a good Base. With “Base Personal Training” you can train on your own or with friends for real results give us a try.
Personal Training call Andi on 07736648878
To book your training
Call Andi 07736648878
51a Weld road,
Southport .
At the rail crossing, small private side road.
Pay and display parking at the rear.
Base51 is a bespoke personal training studio, it's equipped with all the things the multi chain fitness gyms have. Because we are not full of people doing their own thing, it allows us to set your fitness workouts with no interruptions from others. We have two functional training studios as well as a spin studio which can double up as a private training room & a sports treatment room.

£30.00 One to One-to-one personal training. (3 or more booked weekly sessions @ £25.00) approx 1hr.
One to one personal training is aimed to hit your goals in the quickest & best way for you. We first chat about all your needs & exercise history, from this we can decide together the best way forward to smash those targets. Our training methods vary from client to client, we start with building a good base to work from, this could be as simple as a promise by you to exercise twice a week. My approach is mindful, I aim to encourage you to work within the time and fitness levels available to you, above all we make you feel like you're on the right track & in control. Call straight away if you feel this is the approach for you.
£35.00 Group Training (2 or more, you & your partner or friends) 1hr.
Group training allows you to share your training with your friends as well as sharing the cost. You may not get 100% attention but will get extra motivation from the group. We will get together & decide as a group what the targets maybe. We will all work together toward the same goal.
If you decide to train as a group sometimes they may let you down, don't worry you will just end up getting 100% attention.

£20.00 Kettlebell power training. 30mins
Kettlebell training is all about high intensity power & core work, it works your total energy system with almost every exercise, for this reason the sessions are only 30minutes. These Kettlebell sessions are very different to "kettlebell aerobic classes" that most gyms offer, we follow the traditional Kettlebell systems. So if you fancy a different way of increasing strength, lowering body fat levels & improving your core, call for a chat about throwing some Bells.

£50.00 "6week" Heart rate training plan. (on site sessions 1hr.) home training as time allows.
For this we need to complete two 45min Heart rate gym sessions at Base51. You will then receive a 6 week training plan.
In our first session we find your true fitness target & discover your heart rate training levels. The second session we will supply your training plan and run though some of the sessions to make sure the plan can be followed with ease.
You will need your own Heart rate monitor, I can advise which systems will work best for you, these range from £30 upward. To complete the plan you will only need the most basic of heart rate monitors. During the 6 weeks of your training I will be available for advice either call or pop in for a chat. You will be able to complete these sessions in your own gym, out running, cycling or your own home circuits.
As most people workout they get their heart rates up, then recover & go again, not giving much thought as to the real efforts their bodies are working at. If we were to know what our heart rates were while we exercised it would help improve the strength & efficiency of our cardio system. Heart rate training is an important way to train if you want to drop excess body fat & improve your cardio vascular system. So if you're training for strict fat loss or training for an endurance event the "6 week Heart rate plan" is for you, if you have good self motivation. You can always combine this training with weekly sessions with me to keep this rolling.