​We can all be healthy, fit,lean & have loads of energy, the problem is if we do not do the right things we end up not being happy with how we feel about ourselves. So at this point we need to go on a journey, the difficulty lies in picking the right way to go as we are all starting from different places.
Our life is important to us but sometimes we put to many other things first thinking, we will be ok. Well we will as long as we don't begin to ignore ourselves.
We love our friends and family so we put them first this can sometimes make us become un-happy with ourselves The people around will see us as not quite being the person we once where. If the people around you love you in the way you want, you will have all the support and enough time to look after yourself. Trust your friends and family & look after yourself.
Training with the right Base & going on the right journey will get you the results you need & deserve. Giving you more energy & smiles for the ones you love.
Training is not a magic pill but when you begin to feel fitter & healthier you will be surprised what else changes for the better in your life.

​Group training allows you to share your training with your friends as well as sharing the cost. You may not get 100% attention but will get extra motivation from the group. We will get together & decide as a group what the targets maybe. As a group we will all work together toward the same goal.
If you decide to train as a group sometimes they may let you down, don't worry you will just end up getting 100% attention.

​One to one personal training is aimed to hit your goals in the quickest & best way for you. We first chat about all your needs & exercise history, from this we can decide together the best way forward to smash those targets. Our training methods vary from client to client, we start with building a good base to work from, this could be as simple as a promise by you to exercise twice a week. My approach is mindful, I aim to encourage you to work within the time and fitness levels available to you, above all we make you feel like you're on the right track & in control. Call straight away if you feel this is the approach for you.

​Group training allows you to share your training with your friends as well as sharing the cost. You may not get 100% attention but will get extra motivation from the group. We will get together & decide as a group what the targets maybe. As a group we will all work together toward the same goal.
If you decide to train as a group sometimes they may let you down, don't worry you will just end up getting 100% attention.

​Most of us learn to ride a bike when we are younger, it gives us so much freedom, as we grow older we stop riding and adventuring & forget what true fitness feels like. Cycling is one of the top ways to regain your fitness & get in real good shape. If you would like to learn more about our Watt bike sessions please click on our Cycling Base Page.

​Group training allows you to share your training with your friends as well as sharing the cost. You may not get 100% attention but will get extra motivation from the group. We will get together & decide as a group what the targets maybe. As a group we will all work together toward the same goal.
If you decide to train as a group sometimes they may let you down, don't worry you will just end up getting 100% attention.

​Group training allows you to share your training with your friends as well as sharing the cost. You may not get 100% attention but will get extra motivation from the group. We will get together & decide as a group what the targets maybe. As a group we will all work together toward the same goal.
If you decide to train as a group sometimes they may let you down, don't worry you will just end up getting 100% attention.
Kettlebell training is all about high intensity power & core work, it works your total energy system with almost every exercise, for this reason the sessions are normally between 30 & 40mins. True Kettlebell sessions are very different to "kettlebell aerobic class" that most gyms do, we follow the traditional Kettlebell systems. So if you fancy a different way of increasing strength lowering body fat levels & improving your core, call for a chat about throwing some Bells.

For us to feel fitter & look better our bodies need our muscles to be working in balance with our weight. If we have to little muscle tone we develop bad posture & feel weak, thus increases the chance of injuries & ill health.
If we have to much muscle our bodies can become unbalanced & our fitness could suffer. There is a fine line between how we would like to look and our true health.
Most of us have heard of Core strength, but training it can take so many different path's. Our core strength comes from the way we move & hold ourselves. The better we work our core the more relaxed we move & the better we look. Good core strength is all about functional fitness training, not sit ups!